Okay, very very very long time since I touched here, but I'll update abit to vent up my stress and anger..!!
Here is an image i found on Facebook tht shows what I felt on Saturday

It is very true as on Saturday, us Student Body Organization(SBO) and volunteer students helped the PJCAD Graduation and 25th college Anniversary. The whole thing can be described by "FAIL"!!!
Kay, first is the bus time, got people say 8.30, somewhere i read is 8.45 and then I heard people saying at the college that same time, 9.00 am!!! Ehhh so many delays with just getting there?
Then at KLPAC, after trials and error, the most stupid thing I heard that day is "WE CANNOT AFFORD ANY MISTAKES"from the very same person that PISSED me off the most. Know why?
Cus that same person at first gave us a kind face on Thurs, but on that Saturday let us face the bloody mistakes one by one while scolding me n few people very rudely.
We had nothing much to do in the morning n I sighed n she rudely said "If u r so free then u go n help the caterer lah" or something...SHYT U, NEED TO TALK IN THAT TONE???!!! Scold us and all when other staff/lecturers told us to do something?

At night when the hall had problems and delayed the guests entrance time, we are the ones who got scolded by the parents. Yes, us students not that same fail person who went missing. We were lied when that person said LUNCH, TEA TIME AND DINNER IS PREPARED...had to wait Mr Chua who kindly tapao some nasi lemak for us, and we had to eat without spoon. So good la that person, dont have to be like us!!!!
Ask stuff and get scold, sammore tell us to "seng mok tit"...SCREW U, u r the one who nid tht....I bring guests in and then u treat like I cant rmb the seat colors. If its those u know, then u sendiri bring pulak, WTF? Sammore I ran up and down to usher the guests and was very exhausted u said what??? Down there no people guide the guests for what and scolded me again....JEEZ..
Okay after all the work, we went down to eat, u know what we got? Dinner was a buffet filled with guests and we had nothing else to eat anymore other than satay, fruits and cakes. HOW DELIGHTFUL FOR DINNER AFTER THE HARDWORK ,FML!!! And that was around 9.30-10pm....U delay so long already made huge mistake that you can still AFFORD!!!
Work hard with many things not satisfied, no food and no thanks or sorries from that person, just cabut like that..fuck tht kind of people....My mum also said this kind of ppl is gila de...And we are not paid!!! We only can have our dinner when we r back at PJ and ate at Picadilly....