Well, it was not all so "GREAT" once I saw the unmotivating..in fact de-motivating schedule...
Like its very OMFG, Mon~Thurs 1/2 day class, Fri Full day!! Meaning everyday got class and I dont know how can I manage to go back Klang and "save money" this 5 months during the whole Semester!!!! At least food at home is Free, no necessary of having to dig my wallet for the dough!!!
Then its the newcomers orientation managed by us SBO committees and somehow lah..I was abit freaky and nervous, having to speak with a bunch of new students and all. Wish I was blesses with the bravery and open-ness that Su Jing, Calvin, NZ they all have =o=!!!
Then as expected, the Visual Language class work, which is something Karaoke-subtitles-thinggy...is coming in, I'm hoping to use Arashi's Troublemaker for that, but hopefully the lecturer will accept Japanese song lah T-T!!!!
Then yesterday was like jakun with the Adobe Flash hahahah, seriously I had the whacky idea of making a Happy Birthday(Bathday) card with NEWS if the lecturer wants us to do an E-Card for the assignment =P!! As seen below hahaha!!!
HAHAHAH Happy Bathday is such a cute concept from themmm!!!
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